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Introduction week

Welcome to Michurinsk State Agrarian University (MSAU)!

The first week in a new country is always difficult. In order to help to make your transition to Michurinsk a smooth one, we have arranged an Introduction Week, starting at the beginning of academic year. The Introduction Week program includes various events arranged for you by the MSAU International Office and by a group of the MSAU students. Introduction Week is meant to give you a "soft landing" in Michurinsk, by introducing you to the Russians, the city, and other exchange students. 
During all the events MSAU students will accompany you, and will be happy to assist you through the week. 
We believe you will enjoy the Week and your stay in Russia!

Best regards, 
MSAU International Office.


393760, Россия, Тамбовская обл., г.Мичуринск, ул. Интернациональная, д. 101
P.Box 393760, Russia, Tambov region, Michurinsk, Internationalnaya Street 101

Тел./Факс/ Tel, Fax:
8 (475 45) 5-26-35 (приемная ректора/ Rector's Reception Room)
8 (47545) 5-34-71 (приемная комиссия/ Admission Office)
8 (47545) 5-25-07 (Управление международной деятельности /International Office)

Эл. почта /e-mail: indep@mgau.ru
Интернет/web-site: www.mgau.ru

1-st Day.

  • Meeting International Office team 

  • Meeting the director Bachelor programs / explanation of University rules and presentation of university study programs

  • Tour around MSAU

  • Guided city tour / with MSAU students

2-nd Day.

  • Russian language course / meeting a teacher

  • Meeting the director of master programs / presentation of university master programs and its preferences.

  • Signing the Study Contract

  • Introducing the bank system in Michurinsk

3-th Day.

  • Russian language course

  • The students' lifecycle / sport groups and other extra-curricular activities. 

  • Discussing the basic rules of the university life.

  • The guided tour of the museum

4-th Day.

  • Russian language course

  • Introduction of the migration rules

  • Dinner at the university canteen/ university discounts for international students in the canteen.

5-th Day.

  • Russian language course

  • Meeting, dedicated to the medical insurance companies, working in Michurinsk.

  • Introduction of the legislation procedure of the international students' school certificates.