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13 July, 2020

Admission campaign at the Michurinsk SAU

The submission of documents for full-time education in areas of engineering, agricultural, pedagogical, and economical higher education continues.

09 July, 2020
International students did the chore

International students did the chore

Cameroonian students who live in the university's dormitory № 2, decided to take the initiative and hold a general cleaning in the dormitory and the surrounding area. About 20 people took part in the event.
05 March, 2020
Shrovetide in Michurinsk SAU

Shrovetide in Michurinsk SAU

On February 27, at the agrobiostation of Michurinsk State Agrarian university festive celebrations dedicated to the seeing off the Russian winter were held. The holiday symbolizes the farewell to winter and the meeting of spring, this holiday is lit up with a joyful expectation of the warmth and spring renewal of nature. Our university celebrate it always with flourish and fun. International students of Michurinsk SAU also took part in the festival. Students took the 3rd place and received memorable prizes.

11 February, 2020
The visit of the international students at the Michurinsk dramatic theatre

The visit of the international students at the Michurinsk dramatic theatre

On Saturday, 08.02.2020, students of the preparatory training course in Russian language under the guidance of Galina Bauder watched the play "Prodigal son" and congratulated the chief Director of the theater on the anniversary.

11 February, 2020
Towards Victory: international students of two universities remembered the events of the war years

Towards Victory: international students of two universities remembered the events of the war years

On 29.01.2020, an event for international students dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war was held in Michurinsk State Agrarian university.