More than 300 international students study at Michurinsk State Agrarian University. In order to maximize the safety of international students, to help them to understand Russian laws, specialists from the international office of Michurinsk SAU work with them. Also, the large list of adaptation measures includes regular meetings with representatives of the state authorities, in particular, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Efficient communication has been initiated and supported by both university specialists and colleagues from the relevant structures.
Students, teachers and the management of Michurinsk SAU celebrated a Pancake Week. The winter send-off was held on the territory of the University’s agrobiological station. The teams of the Horticultural Institute named after I.V. Michurinsk, the Institute of Economics and Management, the Institute of Education and Social Sciences, the Institute of Engineering, the College and a team of international students gathered to measure strength, dexterity and have a lot of fun. The city's colleges and schools also joined the celebration.
On February 16, Michurinsk State Agrarian University took part in an online seminar on agricultural practice. The seminar was organized by the South-Ural State Agrarian University and the non-profit union LOGO e. V. (agriculture and ecological balance with Eastern Europe). The seminar provided information about the practice, questions about the organization and exchange of experience of such internships. The associate Professor of the Department of biotechnology, selection and seed Production of agricultural crops of the Michurinsk SAU, Elena Khovanova, shared her experience of passing such an internship.
International students of Michurinsk SAU took part in the regional project "Step-by-step online quest "Tambov Light". This quest was created for international students studying at universities of the region, in order to introduce them to the culture and history of the Tambov region. The best participants were awarded with memorable prizes at the award ceremony at the TSU named after G. R. Derzhavin.
On February 12, Michurinsk SAU hosted an online "open day" for international applicants from far abroad countries. Future students were told about the structure of the university and the rules for submitting documents for admission. The heads of mathematics, physics and IT department and animal science and veterinary medicine department attended the meeting. Active international students also shared their impressions about studying at our university.